Cartoon Network's Mighty Magiswords

Mighty Magiswords

Prohyas and Vambre, the brother and sister team of Warriors for Hire, are always up for a quest. But they never know what quest will drop in their laps! Giant pigs, giant spiders, or giant ancient dinosaurs, they can handle whatever giant quest you want; but not without their trusted collection of Magiswords. Magiswords are perfect for whatever weird thing you need whenever you need it. Do you need a wicker basket made in a second? Do you want to trap evil in a wad of chewing gum? Don’t worry, there are Magiswords perfect for the job! With wild crazed joy, the Warriors set out to discover and collect every last Magisword waiting to be found in the Kingdom of Rhyboflaven and beyond. The more they collect, the more crazy swords the Warriors will have to choose from – like swords that can fly, swords that can shoot tomatoes, and swords that spit seeds. Don’t ask why, but they really, really, really need that one.

Cartoon Network

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